What we do - A S peck

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What we do


We specialize in the overhaul and upgrading of train door systems and components, having been involved in the original design and manufacture of many of the train door systems in use in the UK and overseas, and more recently in various reliability assessments and upgrade programmes.

INVESTIGATION into fleet door system safety and reliability, making recommendations for improvements to system and components, and to maintenance procedures.

COMPONENT DESIGN prototype manufacture, trial installation, and subsequent fleet supply of new devices to meet current requirements on existing train door systems.

OVERHAUL of pneumatic actuators, valves, locking devices and other components, implementing modifications and new materials to reflect recent advances in technology.

REPAIRS to defective mechanical and pneumatic components. Diagnosis and correction of faults in complex pneumatic control modules, followed by full functional testing.

All safety-critical or reliability-critical components are overhauled and tested in accordance with precise written procedures, using special calibrated tools where appropriate, and are given unique serial numbers. Detailed records ensure full traceabity.

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